World Steward Advisors and Supporters
Over the years, World Steward continues to have outstanding supporters and advisors for our projects and goals:
Dr. Amory Lovins CEO and founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute
Dr. Greg Smith and Dr. Kip Ault at the Lewis & Clark College of Education
Dr. Denise Lach, Director of CWEST at OSU who manages our liaison and MOU with the University
Dr. Tony Kendle and Dr. Jo Readman of the Eden Project in Cornwall, England
Dr. Chuck Meslow (retired) of OSU who chairs our Science Advisory Board
Dr. Jerry Franklin at the University of Washington
Dr. Dick Hansis at Humboldt State University
Langdon Marsh, former Commissioner of the Environment for New York and DEQ Director in Oregon
Dr. Tom Lumpkin, Trustee, who heads the World Vegetable Center in Taiwan
Trustee Dr. Rob Gallagher, Weed Ecologist at Washington State University
David Slawson, Founder, Stirling Energy Systems
Sarah Severn, Director of Horizons, Corporate Responsibility, Nike
....and many other wise and inspiring individuals.